Another fun way to decorate our dog bandana sewing pattern!
Sewing pattern file now on the shop
Had so much fun today working on these projects!
Let's embroider for a bit today!
As always, I like to record our face applique file so you can see how everything is getting layered onto the poncho! Stay tune for the poncho sewing tutorial. Will try to have it up by the end of this week!
Sewing pattern and Embroidery file now on the shop I finally upgraded to the newer version of the PinkPowerElectricScissors and I kind of hate that I waited so long to buy this! It's sooooo much better than the old one with its automatic cut button! The only differences are the automatic button and charger but they still work the same and cut different materials.
Pinkpower electric scissors: Hello! Heres a quick step by step tutorial on how to use our embroidery applique file that you can embroider on a fun tote bag or sweater! The file along with the tote bag will on my shop at
Let's work on these pants for my brother. The text file will be up on my KO-FI account for you to download, like its a pretty big size I think it will look great on a tote bag!
August 2024